Friday, April 30, 2010

Bitch Nigga Remedy, Please?

2010 has been an odd year so far. Males are really starting to surprise me with their female type actions. Jumping into bitch drama when unnecessary, bitching when there is nothing to bitch about, and calling girls bitches/whores just because we don't give a muther fuck about them.

It's been nice to see the weakness of a "man"...#Not
It's been slightly annoying.

And it's funny how they are so quick to call a girl a slide for the dumbest shit.
"Oh, you unfollowed me on twitter? okay, SLIDE!" <--- (happened to my friend)
"Oh, you stole my beer? you SLIDE!" <---- (happened to me last night)
"Oh, you don't wana see me? that's fine, SLIDE!" <--- (happened to me 2 nights ago)
Uuuum, when I suck all your friend's dick, come back to you, then go back around, THEN you can call me a slide. Until then, shut the fuck up and quit acting like a bitch. Thanks.

And DON'T act all hard when you see me like you don't wanna see me. Then text me as SOON as I leave your sight asking me what I'm doing...
.........Pop up on my facebook chat EVERYTIME I sign on...
....Text me "So we don't speak?" when I walk by you and didn't notice yo ass.


when I DO speak, you can't even look at me, won't even make conversation, and act like you're too good. THAT'S why I pretend you're not there.

um, you're LAME and really should try NOT walking around like you're the shit.
I promise you're NOT.
"When a man is wrapped up in himself he makes a pretty small package."
- John Ruskin

And stop telling me what I need to do. Thanks.
"A word to the wise ain’t necessary, it is the stupid ones who need all the advice."
- Bill Cosby

And #shoutout to all the dudes out there who call themselves men, who really are bitches...

  • If she just wanted to smash, she just wanted to smash. Stop trying to wife her.
  • If she's hanging out with guys all time, it doesn't always mean she's fucking them. So stop calling her a hoe.
  • If she wants to give her number out, who the fuck cares. What's the difference between you asking for a number and her giving hers out?
  • If she's twerkin' it in the club, let her do her thang. At least she's not jumping up and down with her shoes off, huddled up with her ratchet ass friends, shaking her weave like they dreads, and chanting waka flocka lyrics right along with the goons.
  • sry, I hate when females act ghetto. #NotCute

    Anyway, DAMN..why are males so worried about what us females are doing these days? Do they really have nothing better to do?

    I miss the good ol' days when none of this mattered. I sometimes wish I could go back to being ten. My boyfriend only got mad at me if I scored a higher grade than him on a test or some shit like that. Or if i didn't want to play with him during recess. The stupid shit that was actually cute.

    And what's up with the ex boyfriend's pulling these bitch moves?
    It's kind of sad. You're NEVER a man for throwing information back at a female to try and hurt them. We may me tough, but we do still have feelings. Sorry they're not feelings for you though. *shrugs*
    But thank you for letting me know I should never trust a guy with personal information. All they will do is throw it in your face when they are angry with you.

    I can close my eyes to things I do not want to see, close my ears to things I do not want to hear, but I can't close my heart to things I don't want to feel.

    Yea, you hurt me. But I'm not going to waste my time and fight back.
    "If you lose your temper, you've lost the argument."
    And I feel you've lost it once you threw that at me. So sorry dude, YOU LOSE.

    But I dare you to put your hands on a female. I'll fight until I can't fight anymore. Not caring if I win or lose in the end. I won't let myself walk away from a situation like that and let you think I think it's okay.

    That's a Bitch move.

    I feel like this blog is longer than expected. So I will wrap it up before I actually get mad, start calling names, and put people on blast for no reason. That's not what I want to do... it??

    LOL, i'll save that for my next blog ;)