Another day, no more dollars
And to swallow the truth, is getting even harder.
Living hell on earth, full of pain, and left here to suffer
All the solutions in the world couldn't help me recover.
Growing up to die, dying to grow a failure
Trying to move forward, but there's always a barrier.
Judge me, hate me, kill me softly
Throw the names at me that they all have already called me.
You're wasting your time, wasted has been mine
I’m twisted the wrong side up, as a six is to a nine.
Rain has poured on me, the storm is slowly chasing
I'm running past demons who are smiling and waving.
My life you don't know, I keep it on the low
My heart is what my sleeve continues to hold…
As the waves crash down, my spirit seems to follow
The failure of yesterday and the darkness of tomorrow.
Freedom reigns, but not in this place
The greatness of my life gets harder to trace.
Numb emotionally, but I see the pain
The pictures of the past remain in my brain.
Yielding to disaster, as destruction flies by
Nothing to stop and answer the simple question "why."
Why my heart cries out to the seas
Why my spirit struggles to be free.
Why my eyes look right and my body goes left
Why every ruining of my life, my memory has kept....


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