Although...I know QUITE a few people who should maybe start on a list for themselves. But I won't name any names.
My build-a-bear is smiling at me :) <----random, but I just looked up for a second and he was so cute.
Anyway, I kind of wish we had some type of Thanksgiving leftovers. That's the only sucky part about my mom NOT cooking on Thanksgiving. I sort of forgot the point in this blog, but...I aint got shit else to do and that's why my fingers are still in action. (still in action of typing, not for anything else) I promise. Freak.
Why do they call black friday black friday? <----random again. I know. And I really don't have any explanation for this random thought.
I wish I wasn't broke so I could buy good gifts this year,'s the thought that counts, right?? :D
I just hope nobody gets me a "thought that counts" gift :/
Although, the only thing I really want for Christmas is a tattoo. Well, a half sleeve. Which will take more than one sitting, but if I could do it in one sitting, I would. Oh...and some clothes would be nice...
I also need a pair of black ugg boots. And maybe some new brown ones too. But that's not as important as the black ones. Oh yea, and some jewelery and make-up too. I love make-up. And jewelery.
That's all though. I swear.
Is clear a color? Or is it just like..a non-color adjective?
...I guess you get it by now that I just have random thoughts at times.
I miss last night. I had fun. I'm glad I don't really get hangovers. I'm ready to do it all over again. Which I will. So I'm going to get ready now.
Peace. Love. & Hello Kitty.

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