so listen to this bullshit... tina mistakenly snatched up the Rihanna Rated R cd and i gave it a little listen. Now, i like music. any music. any genre. as long as the lyrics are insightful and the melody and instrumentation are good; then i'm hooked. Now I personally think Rihanna is nothing but a gimmick, pushing out dated music that lacks artisanship and ultimately longevity. All of her songs have ridden on musical trends and the lyrics are mediocre with a serio lack of substance, until.... i heard this little gem.
I was like "mmmeeeeerrrr??!!!" nice slow rhythmic beating, easy vocals minus all her nasally over singing. the only thing that was a miss was Will.I.Am, but between you and me i think dude is better behind the scenes if you catch my draft. stay behind the soundboard, buddy. the lyrics? well, she, or the well paid team behind her, could definitely step it up a notch, but hey... the rest was pretty good for a rihanna joint.
secondly, this song.. cause well yes, i do enjoy some substance-less songs, i mean you see my ass tearing through fast food's empty ass calories like it's nothing.
because let's be serious, i have a pension for sleazy songs about getting it in. I like it... who really doesn't. i like that she's all tonight i'm gonna let you tear it the fuck up, because i'm so tired of always having to set the mood right. she's all breathy and tells him he can be the captain and shiz... cause personally i do tend to take charge, but i like when a dude's all aggressive and pulls your hair and leaves bruises from gripping too tight.... heheheh sorry.
Final concensus:
Rihanna is still pretty dated and she will eventually disappear to the land where the Spice Girls, LFO, and Kris Kross reside; but for now I will listen to these songs and enjoy them. Maybe even in the same nostalgic way I sing "If you wanna be my lover/ You gotta get with my friends...." wasn't every black girl, Scary Spice???
Monday, December 28, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
She's as Gentle as a Lion
Dear God,
Im writing you this letter to ask if you remember a girl that you created back in '89. You gave her a caring spirit that allowed her to empathize with your people, she was forgiving because You helped her to forget and look past peoples wrongs to see their hurt. Her presence was inviting and it made people love to be around her. She was gentle and humble. Her eyes glistened to calmed chaos, and her touch soothed pain. You instilled in her a bold and admirable faith that was not easily shaken and You loved her and she was so in love with You. It was a kind of love that was pure and so true, a love that no one would ever understand and everyone would envy. You both spent hours together talking, praying, dancing.I remember that she was special to You, You gave her everything that a little girl would ever dream of asking for and with a sensitive heart she willingly submitted her life to You, Your son lived in her and she under Him and they were happy. ~MadlyInlove~

I ask about her because some years ago I kidnapped her. She was so beautiful that I just couldnt resist. She captivated so many people by her ability to do everything. I said it would only be for a little while but I never wanted to let her go; before long I had destroyed her. I hid from you because I knew how much she meant to You and i knew that You would be angry. The caring spirit that you instilled in her I quickly altered to be that of a spiteful one. The tears that You gave her to cry out for Your people I traded them by using hurtful word and actions to make others cry endless nights. I dominated her gentleness and overpowered her humility. She's unmanageable, conceded, and vicious now. Sometimes I cant control her. Your precious little girl has been transformed into a monster! The bold faith instilled in her that was suppose to be unbreakable.... I broke it, I picked it apart and questioned it until I completely confused her. The love that she once had for You, I sold it to worldy material things. The time that she spent with You I made her spend with someone that could only please her earthly lusts.Ive taken her and destroyed everything You placed inside of her and just like everyone else that has been apart of her life, I dont want her anymore. She is no longer beautiful to me, she no longer holds any fascination to me, or those around her. She is used and old, yesterdays garbage. But I bring her back to You not only because I dont want her but primarily because I know that You are the only one that can fix her. You knew her when she was young, You knew her before I stained her innocents with perverse pleasures, and only You can restore her. <3>
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The Way I See It
1. So, it's okay for her to TALK about gettin it in, but it's not okay to ACTUALLY get it in.
2. It's okay for HIM to smash the homegirls, but it's not okay for HER to smash the homies.
3. It's okay for HIM to post pictures with no shirt and showing his V-cut, but SHE can't post a picture in her bra.
4. It's okay for HER to post practically nude pictures, begging for attention, and getting no action because she's automatically labeled as "easy", but SHE who keeps shit to herself, dresses appropriately, and just wants to smash because she has needs just like guys isn't okay.
Why have these things become such a big deal??
Sex is a beautiful thing and in my eyes, it's OK if you have a lot of it. Shit, it's natural.
If SHE wanted to just smash, so be it. Be thankful you got it in and don't have to worry about a clingy bitch trying to become wifey material now that you guys got it in. At least she admitted she just wanted to smash. You're the dude, remember?? Let's try not to be so heartbroken over it.
And whyyyy do boys continue to pick at these girls/hoes/sluts/whatever you want to call them, KNOWING it's the bitch you AND your homeboy have already smashed in the past. And the worst part about it, you both knew. Don't be mad at the girl, be mad at eachother!
Guy #1 sucked. So she moved on to Guy #2. She wasn't trying to be your friend anyway. She could honestly care less.
But let's switch this up and say the dude smashed girl #1, dropped her ass, and moved on to girl #2.'re guna go dap up your homie up and feel accomplished, right? SMFH.
And girls, be real. Don't say you just want to smash, then get your feelings hurt when the guy wants to have nothing to do with you anymore. You should have kept your panties on and legs closed for all of that.
Seems like everything I blog about, goes back to the "Why I Should Have Just Been Born a Dude" post. I don't know, maybe I'm the only one who feels this way?? I'm glad I don't give a shit though and could care less what you say and think.
But even if you did talk your shit or try to judge me, I'd just prove you wrong. I probably have more self respect than you ever will. It's something I have gained in the past few years though. I will admit, at some points in my life, I did lose my self respect. I have my reasons why I thought my life was at end and why I felt completely worthless. I just choose not to put my shit on blast.
Stop walking around pretending to be gay. That shit did not happen over night. Nicki Minaj should NOT be your role model.
Stop aborting your babies and telling everybody why your depressed. Did you do it for attention?? Did you purposely not practice safe sex??
Stop sending nude pic messages.
Stop going to the club, dancing on bars, knowing people can see up ur dress/skirt.
Stop getting in relationships and letting your boyfriend or baby daddy treat you any kind of way..then be ready to fight a bitch over him. Let that bitch have his ass so he can treat her just as bad.
Stop getting drunk and "blaming it on the alcohol". (you know what I'm talking about)
Stop taking "shawty you got a phat ass" as a compliment.
Stop showing your goodies on tinychat.
I don't mean to be a bitch. This is why I have few girl friends. This is why I thinks boys are fake and don't take them seriously. We all view things differently....
and This is the way I see it.
2. It's okay for HIM to smash the homegirls, but it's not okay for HER to smash the homies.
3. It's okay for HIM to post pictures with no shirt and showing his V-cut, but SHE can't post a picture in her bra.
4. It's okay for HER to post practically nude pictures, begging for attention, and getting no action because she's automatically labeled as "easy", but SHE who keeps shit to herself, dresses appropriately, and just wants to smash because she has needs just like guys isn't okay.
Why have these things become such a big deal??
Sex is a beautiful thing and in my eyes, it's OK if you have a lot of it. Shit, it's natural.
If SHE wanted to just smash, so be it. Be thankful you got it in and don't have to worry about a clingy bitch trying to become wifey material now that you guys got it in. At least she admitted she just wanted to smash. You're the dude, remember?? Let's try not to be so heartbroken over it.
And whyyyy do boys continue to pick at these girls/hoes/sluts/whatever you want to call them, KNOWING it's the bitch you AND your homeboy have already smashed in the past. And the worst part about it, you both knew. Don't be mad at the girl, be mad at eachother!
Guy #1 sucked. So she moved on to Guy #2. She wasn't trying to be your friend anyway. She could honestly care less.
But let's switch this up and say the dude smashed girl #1, dropped her ass, and moved on to girl #2.'re guna go dap up your homie up and feel accomplished, right? SMFH.
And girls, be real. Don't say you just want to smash, then get your feelings hurt when the guy wants to have nothing to do with you anymore. You should have kept your panties on and legs closed for all of that.
Seems like everything I blog about, goes back to the "Why I Should Have Just Been Born a Dude" post. I don't know, maybe I'm the only one who feels this way?? I'm glad I don't give a shit though and could care less what you say and think.
But even if you did talk your shit or try to judge me, I'd just prove you wrong. I probably have more self respect than you ever will. It's something I have gained in the past few years though. I will admit, at some points in my life, I did lose my self respect. I have my reasons why I thought my life was at end and why I felt completely worthless. I just choose not to put my shit on blast.
Stop walking around pretending to be gay. That shit did not happen over night. Nicki Minaj should NOT be your role model.
Stop aborting your babies and telling everybody why your depressed. Did you do it for attention?? Did you purposely not practice safe sex??
Stop sending nude pic messages.
Stop going to the club, dancing on bars, knowing people can see up ur dress/skirt.
Stop getting in relationships and letting your boyfriend or baby daddy treat you any kind of way..then be ready to fight a bitch over him. Let that bitch have his ass so he can treat her just as bad.
Stop getting drunk and "blaming it on the alcohol". (you know what I'm talking about)
Stop taking "shawty you got a phat ass" as a compliment.
Stop showing your goodies on tinychat.
I don't mean to be a bitch. This is why I have few girl friends. This is why I thinks boys are fake and don't take them seriously. We all view things differently....
and This is the way I see it.
Monday, December 14, 2009
what does that have to do with the price of tea in china?
so there is pink in my hair and its not a lot it is enough to be noticed but not enough to look unprofessional. Question:
Because i changed the color of my hair to something that is uncommon does that make me irresponsible??

i dont feel like it does. i still got up this morning and went to work. i plan on going back to school when it starts to work towards my major. i still dont go out every night all night and to off the wall shit. i still respect my parents. i still spend time with my family. All my bills get paid on time. i have still never been arrested, pregnant, or gay.
because of these few reasons i dont feel that me changing the color of my hair has an impact on my daily responsibilities.
hasn't he had enough
YES we all know chris brown beat the hell outta rihanna but damn are we gonna continue to hate him even when that nigga is putting out good shit. i happened to stumble over this golden video of chris brown for his new single 'crawl'. and needless to say that nigga was DANCING.
i mean he was channeling the late Michael Jackson throughout his whole dance sequence. and how the FUCK is he doing that dance at 3:09, i had to look at that on repeat it was amazing. how could we possibly let this talent go. what the fuck does he have to do. its okay boo boo i still believe in you. even though you pulled an ike turner on riri...
that picture still makes me cringe. damn did you have to do her like that!!! it looked like he used both his fists. but i bet that is the regret of his life cause his career is def over. sry chris guess they don't see your talent like i do
i mean he was channeling the late Michael Jackson throughout his whole dance sequence. and how the FUCK is he doing that dance at 3:09, i had to look at that on repeat it was amazing. how could we possibly let this talent go. what the fuck does he have to do. its okay boo boo i still believe in you. even though you pulled an ike turner on riri...

that picture still makes me cringe. damn did you have to do her like that!!! it looked like he used both his fists. but i bet that is the regret of his life cause his career is def over. sry chris guess they don't see your talent like i do
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
why t-pain is in love with a stripper
if i were a stripper i would be the kind in a biker bar with cigarette smoke and red walls and black tables with red lamps. I would wear black leather.... i'd smoke Marlboro Reds and speak in a tough no- nonsense drawl and the men would all know me and come just to see me perform...
I'd strip to bad ass blues like this...
and this....
little of this....
this shit right here, this shit right here was in What's Love Got to Do With It when Tina (Angela Basset) was still Anna Mae and she took the mic from Ike (Laurence Fishburn) and was killin it...
My theme song from my senior year in high school....
Blues guitar turns me on. my next lover will be a blues guitarist who takes me to the dives he plays at. i'd sit in the back with the bartender Bobby who's some big burly dude who wears a leather vest over a Zeppelin shirt and has long grey hair he keeps in a gnarled ponytail. i'd sip on ameretto sours and watch the drunk girls crowd the stage and try to get close to him. i won't mind though, cause i'll think of lying in bed with him and our secret exclusive little universe beneath the sheets, still warm from love making...
I'd strip to bad ass blues like this...
and this....
little of this....
this shit right here, this shit right here was in What's Love Got to Do With It when Tina (Angela Basset) was still Anna Mae and she took the mic from Ike (Laurence Fishburn) and was killin it...
My theme song from my senior year in high school....
Blues guitar turns me on. my next lover will be a blues guitarist who takes me to the dives he plays at. i'd sit in the back with the bartender Bobby who's some big burly dude who wears a leather vest over a Zeppelin shirt and has long grey hair he keeps in a gnarled ponytail. i'd sip on ameretto sours and watch the drunk girls crowd the stage and try to get close to him. i won't mind though, cause i'll think of lying in bed with him and our secret exclusive little universe beneath the sheets, still warm from love making...
Ghetto Romance
She drives across town responding to a text message "come see me".
Yes, SHE drives across town because of course, HE has no car. Just like the rest of all the other bums she's been attracted to or dated.
She arrives at his 'crib', he hops in the car, and they drive down the road to his cousin's house. Which probably wasn't his real cousin..but niggas these days seem to call all their close friends cousins now. Is this new?? Am I the only that has noticed that??
Walking into his cousin's house, she is greeted by a whiff of straight reefer, and about 5 dudes sitting on cloud 9 around a table playing cards. She sits on the red couch while he daps up his boys.
.....Then she continues to sit on the couch while he indulges in a conversation with his boys.
......UMM..did he just use her for a ride over there, or is he guna fuckin introduce her??
No. she gets nothing. So she speaks up and introduces her damn self.
He finally comes and sits next to her and teaches her how to play with a butterfly knife. Even tho she already knew how to do the shit, it was still cute. He lights up a Newport and she pulls out a Marlboro Smooth. She looks over at him and smiles because she already knows the next words to come out of his mouth will be, "Man, fuck your Marlboro's"...
Prediction is true, she just giggles, shrugs, says "fuck you", and sparks up her favorite cigarette. They finish and put them out in a soda can.
He puts his arm around her and they just sit on the red couch quite uncomfortable and not saying a word to eachother. He gets up and goes up the steps.
...Leaving her there...With a bunch of niggas...
Of course his cousins start asking questions. Not questions concerned about why he left her either. Questions, trying to get to know her, questions.
SMH..AND one of them gets bold and asks for her number.
FINALLY her phone vibrates with a text from him telling her to "come upstairs".
She looks over at the steps and notices he has been standing there the whole time.
She walks up the steps, he grabs her hands, pulls her close, and kisses her in the hallway. He looks down the hall, and guides her into an empty dark room. He tries to close the door, then realizes..there is no door. It's actually propped up against the wall. Ghetto much??
He closes it the best way he can.
He puts her back up against the wall and starts kissing her. Basically getting the mood right. This is her favorite.
They undress, and have amazing sex. He did a position she had not discovered yet and she was absolutely blown away. She now calls this postion the "new new".
They finish at the same time and roll over on their backs. Still nude, he reaches for a cigarette and they have a cigarette together. Ashing it on the carpet, not giving a muther fuck. He stretches his arm out to her and pulls her closer. She closes her eyes and has realized her day JUST got so much better. She got what she wanted. He got what he wanted.
Call it what you want..
Yes, SHE drives across town because of course, HE has no car. Just like the rest of all the other bums she's been attracted to or dated.
She arrives at his 'crib', he hops in the car, and they drive down the road to his cousin's house. Which probably wasn't his real cousin..but niggas these days seem to call all their close friends cousins now. Is this new?? Am I the only that has noticed that??
Walking into his cousin's house, she is greeted by a whiff of straight reefer, and about 5 dudes sitting on cloud 9 around a table playing cards. She sits on the red couch while he daps up his boys.
.....Then she continues to sit on the couch while he indulges in a conversation with his boys.
......UMM..did he just use her for a ride over there, or is he guna fuckin introduce her??
No. she gets nothing. So she speaks up and introduces her damn self.
He finally comes and sits next to her and teaches her how to play with a butterfly knife. Even tho she already knew how to do the shit, it was still cute. He lights up a Newport and she pulls out a Marlboro Smooth. She looks over at him and smiles because she already knows the next words to come out of his mouth will be, "Man, fuck your Marlboro's"...
Prediction is true, she just giggles, shrugs, says "fuck you", and sparks up her favorite cigarette. They finish and put them out in a soda can.
He puts his arm around her and they just sit on the red couch quite uncomfortable and not saying a word to eachother. He gets up and goes up the steps.
...Leaving her there...With a bunch of niggas...
Of course his cousins start asking questions. Not questions concerned about why he left her either. Questions, trying to get to know her, questions.
SMH..AND one of them gets bold and asks for her number.
FINALLY her phone vibrates with a text from him telling her to "come upstairs".
She looks over at the steps and notices he has been standing there the whole time.
She walks up the steps, he grabs her hands, pulls her close, and kisses her in the hallway. He looks down the hall, and guides her into an empty dark room. He tries to close the door, then realizes..there is no door. It's actually propped up against the wall. Ghetto much??
He closes it the best way he can.
He puts her back up against the wall and starts kissing her. Basically getting the mood right. This is her favorite.
They undress, and have amazing sex. He did a position she had not discovered yet and she was absolutely blown away. She now calls this postion the "new new".
They finish at the same time and roll over on their backs. Still nude, he reaches for a cigarette and they have a cigarette together. Ashing it on the carpet, not giving a muther fuck. He stretches his arm out to her and pulls her closer. She closes her eyes and has realized her day JUST got so much better. She got what she wanted. He got what he wanted.
Call it what you want..

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
so there is all this talk about how everyone wants to be in a relationship in #2010, and personally i feel like it is pointless!
#2010 for me will be about making my money and getting it to where i want it to be and also about finishing school and enjoying my 21st birthday!!!! so i thought about it......
1)to be honest the thought of being in a relationship is ideal. i would have someone to talk to, someone to bake cookies with (be a fellow fatkid with), someone to chill with on the regular, someone to lay around the house with, i would love to have sex more frequently and not feel like a horrible person afterwards, but the reality of it is that im just at a point in my life where i am way to selfish to think about being in a relationship. its a headache i dont need to have right now.
In reality....
1. i have plenty of problems on my own i cant deal with your too.
2. the last thing i need/want right now is to be dealing with groupies, past girlfriends, lifelong crushes ect.
3. im young and i like to flirt, there is a certain level of excitement to it
4. im in love with money and right now he hold my heart so he will always come first!
5. there are things that i plan on doing that just isnt planned with you in it
6. i dont trust you
7. i will leave you to chill with my girls
8. i like being single
so while i will most likely still be me in #2010 i will not by any means be looking for a relationship because it is the year to focus on myself :) We can be friends tho!!
My Look-Alikes??
Letoya Luckett

I've only had a few people to tell me I look like either Letoya Luckett or her little sister. I mean, she's a cute girl...but NO.

I got Ashanti more when I was younger than I do now, but people still tell me I look JUST like her. I was at a shoe store (DSW to be exact) not too long ago, and a man practically wanted to leave with me to make sure I really wasn't her. He kept saying "I would still get your autograph even if you aren't her because you look EXACTLY like her."
umm...akward much? I definitely gave him the 'fuck off' look.
And Ashanti was always the one I got defensive over. Because she is just not cute to me. She looks like a man. I've even had dudes holla at me with "AYO ASHANTI!"
Gabrielle Union

Gabrielle Union is probably the one I get THE MOST. I take it..she's a natural beauty.
Sanaa Lathan

If I hear, "you look like that girl from Love & Basketball" one more time...
We look NOTHING alike. I think another reason why I get this one so much is because I also play basketball? But hey, she's pretty too. Just has an awkard nose.
...And this is ME :) whom I look like. JUST ME. =]

Although, I wont even senior pic does look somewhat like Gabrielle.
And fuck that cat by the way. #justsayin...

I've only had a few people to tell me I look like either Letoya Luckett or her little sister. I mean, she's a cute girl...but NO.

I got Ashanti more when I was younger than I do now, but people still tell me I look JUST like her. I was at a shoe store (DSW to be exact) not too long ago, and a man practically wanted to leave with me to make sure I really wasn't her. He kept saying "I would still get your autograph even if you aren't her because you look EXACTLY like her."
umm...akward much? I definitely gave him the 'fuck off' look.
And Ashanti was always the one I got defensive over. Because she is just not cute to me. She looks like a man. I've even had dudes holla at me with "AYO ASHANTI!"
Gabrielle Union

Gabrielle Union is probably the one I get THE MOST. I take it..she's a natural beauty.
Sanaa Lathan

If I hear, "you look like that girl from Love & Basketball" one more time...
We look NOTHING alike. I think another reason why I get this one so much is because I also play basketball? But hey, she's pretty too. Just has an awkard nose.
...And this is ME :) whom I look like. JUST ME. =]

And fuck that cat by the way. #justsayin...
Sunday, December 6, 2009
lo-fucking l
dude's face when mama goes to wipe his face with her spit is priceless. he jerked back like "waah?" while his face was like "come again, bitch"? I died laughing.
1. t-pain's 'jodeci' he busts out at 2:43? hell yeah!!!!
2. "Fuck land I'm on a boat mutha'fucka" genius
3. adam samberg had me all hot and bothered... weird? i think not..
this video is like synthetic sunshine....
Justin sings entirely too good and they were channeling Color Me BADD so well it hurt. Justin's old school entrance on the track kills me. The follow up Mother lovers is good too, but sadly i couldn't find the clip.... :( and my bitch susan sarandon is in it... she will always be Mrs. March to me.
i kinda want to spend the rest of my life with him... we'd play pranks on people and then go home to play video games and drink beer from cans and eat sour patch kids and pizza. then we'd fuck.... sigh
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Proof That I Probably Should Have Just Been Born a Dude
1. Through out my school years, my favorite subject was P.E.
I was the only girl who didn't stand around and socialize, gossip, and talk about who I had a crush on. I was competing against the boys and getting mad if I was losing. (especially if we were playing football) my favorite. I didn't mind going into my next class a little funky and drenched in sweat. "It's only natural", I would say..while the other girls carried their perfume and makeup in their purses to primp before class started.
2. I never really had boobs until like last year. (because I started gaining weight is probably why I finally got some). In middle school, the boys would pick on me telling me I had "mosquito bites". And my dumbass didn't even get it until someone told me, "No, Rae they are saying that's wat ur titties look like. NOT saying you got bit by a mosquito."
Well, a good few kicks in their balls sure put a stop to them picking on me though. So I was straight. Plus, I don't like huge boobs anyway. I love mine :)
3. People say I walk like 'I don't give a fuck'. My guy bestfriend told me that was just a nicer way of telling me I walk like a dude.
4. My belches could shake the walls.
5. We're driving in his car, sittin on 22's, illegal tint, he touches the button to flip out his indash tv screen, looks at me and says "I already know this is what you want to listen to." It was Waka Flocka Flame. I say, "Nigga can you turn it up?" Shit, It was my favorite song.
6. I'd rather go to a hood club full of goons and chant every word to a song about guns, weed, and money, than go dance to pop music at a might as well be rave type shit.
7.I used to smoke these.

8. I don't ever want to have kids
9. I've always gotten along with dudes better than I do girls.
10. I talk about sex a lot.
11. I want sex a lot.
12. I know every word to this song.
and I'm not joking when I say every word. LOL
13. I'd much rather drink some beer, play some cards, and watch sports over doing cute, sweet, girly stuff.
14. I curse a lot.
15. I HATE long nails.
17. My name is Rae. ??
18. I drive with my seat pretty far back.
19. "Bitch, I go hard like the boy from 300."-Weezy F. Baby
20. He turns out the light, tries to undress me.-"I can undress myself".-He turns on the old school love songs.-"You don't have any plies, r.kelly, or pretty ricky?"-He starts passionately kissing me.-"Can we just fuck already?"-
21. A good friend who just recently moved away called me yesterday. She wanted my advice. She just discovered her new boyfriend has a small peepee. She asked what would I do. I said, "on to the next one".
22. I've always wanted one of those huge redneck lookin trucks.
23. I can out drink every guy I know.
24. What's so special about getting flowers??
......I really hope you don't take this
"I Should Have Just Been Born a Dude"
"She's probably Just Gay"
I was the only girl who didn't stand around and socialize, gossip, and talk about who I had a crush on. I was competing against the boys and getting mad if I was losing. (especially if we were playing football) my favorite. I didn't mind going into my next class a little funky and drenched in sweat. "It's only natural", I would say..while the other girls carried their perfume and makeup in their purses to primp before class started.
2. I never really had boobs until like last year. (because I started gaining weight is probably why I finally got some). In middle school, the boys would pick on me telling me I had "mosquito bites". And my dumbass didn't even get it until someone told me, "No, Rae they are saying that's wat ur titties look like. NOT saying you got bit by a mosquito."
Well, a good few kicks in their balls sure put a stop to them picking on me though. So I was straight. Plus, I don't like huge boobs anyway. I love mine :)
3. People say I walk like 'I don't give a fuck'. My guy bestfriend told me that was just a nicer way of telling me I walk like a dude.
4. My belches could shake the walls.
5. We're driving in his car, sittin on 22's, illegal tint, he touches the button to flip out his indash tv screen, looks at me and says "I already know this is what you want to listen to." It was Waka Flocka Flame. I say, "Nigga can you turn it up?" Shit, It was my favorite song.
6. I'd rather go to a hood club full of goons and chant every word to a song about guns, weed, and money, than go dance to pop music at a might as well be rave type shit.

8. I don't ever want to have kids
9. I've always gotten along with dudes better than I do girls.
10. I talk about sex a lot.
11. I want sex a lot.
12. I know every word to this song.
and I'm not joking when I say every word. LOL
13. I'd much rather drink some beer, play some cards, and watch sports over doing cute, sweet, girly stuff.
14. I curse a lot.
15. I HATE long nails.
17. My name is Rae. ??
18. I drive with my seat pretty far back.
19. "Bitch, I go hard like the boy from 300."-Weezy F. Baby
20. He turns out the light, tries to undress me.-"I can undress myself".-He turns on the old school love songs.-"You don't have any plies, r.kelly, or pretty ricky?"-He starts passionately kissing me.-"Can we just fuck already?"-
21. A good friend who just recently moved away called me yesterday. She wanted my advice. She just discovered her new boyfriend has a small peepee. She asked what would I do. I said, "on to the next one".
22. I've always wanted one of those huge redneck lookin trucks.
23. I can out drink every guy I know.
24. What's so special about getting flowers??
......I really hope you don't take this
"I Should Have Just Been Born a Dude"
"She's probably Just Gay"
Proof that I can be a girl
Most romantic things I've actually experienced:
1. we're driving down this aged neighborhood in Dilworth and the houses are brick with glossy black shutters. The trees are large with huge leafy canvases and the sky is gray and bright like a sheer heather gray sweater over the sun. i pick out a beautiful brick cottage with wisterias growing around the perimeter. "that one's beautiful," I tell him. He pulls up to the house across the street so we can study it. "yeah it is, when we grow up we can buy the house when we're famous writers."
"I want that room right there to write in," I say pointing to a window draped the most in the purple foliage. "Fine," he says,"and i'll grow you a little garden below it so you can look out at it while you write."
2. Zero 7 "Destiny"
3. we're at the shabby excuse for a lakehouse and we're in the back of the jeep with the trunk open. we're in our swimsuits and we're lying in there making up stories. we make it a challenge to rhyme the words. we come up with a tale about ladies with wooden hips and great sailing ships. the sun is bright and shines through thick overhead tree leaves and branches in slivers of warmth that makes my insides smile. He kisses me and i can taste the saltiness of his lips and the lazy heat of summer.
4. Bill Withers "Ain't no Sunshine"
5. Poems scribbled on sweaty rumpled scraps of notebook paper. he wrote like E.E Cummings. like for serious...
6. we're driving in the car and his ipod's plugged in. Michael Jackson's History plays. I look over at him speechless. he smiles, "You like Michael so i downloaded the whole two disc albums so you'd have something to listen to." He hates michael. I sing Billy Jean at the top of my lungs out of the windows that he always liked to have down and he tries to catch on to the beat.
7. Boyz II Men "I"ll Make Love to You"
8. Singing Guns n Roses "Welcome to the Jungle" at full volume and trying to be bad ass like Axle.
9. Driving on his lap through an empty parking lot cause he's smart enough not to let me drive that huge jeep on my own and i won't stop begging. I can't drive worth shit.
10.Smokey Robinson "Cruisin"
11. Calling me from one of his drunken camping trips to tell me "goodnight and I love you". his friend's retching sounds audible in the background.
12.Eric Clapton "Wonderful Tonight"
13. Knowing what my kiss tastes like. (green jolly ranchers)
14. End scene in The Bodyguard
Ummm... this fucking changed my life.... this will NOT be the last time this movie will be mentioned, so don't act like you don't know.
15. song throughout A Walk to Remember
Fucking movie makes me cry...
16. You fucking know...
1. we're driving down this aged neighborhood in Dilworth and the houses are brick with glossy black shutters. The trees are large with huge leafy canvases and the sky is gray and bright like a sheer heather gray sweater over the sun. i pick out a beautiful brick cottage with wisterias growing around the perimeter. "that one's beautiful," I tell him. He pulls up to the house across the street so we can study it. "yeah it is, when we grow up we can buy the house when we're famous writers."
"I want that room right there to write in," I say pointing to a window draped the most in the purple foliage. "Fine," he says,"and i'll grow you a little garden below it so you can look out at it while you write."
2. Zero 7 "Destiny"
3. we're at the shabby excuse for a lakehouse and we're in the back of the jeep with the trunk open. we're in our swimsuits and we're lying in there making up stories. we make it a challenge to rhyme the words. we come up with a tale about ladies with wooden hips and great sailing ships. the sun is bright and shines through thick overhead tree leaves and branches in slivers of warmth that makes my insides smile. He kisses me and i can taste the saltiness of his lips and the lazy heat of summer.
4. Bill Withers "Ain't no Sunshine"
5. Poems scribbled on sweaty rumpled scraps of notebook paper. he wrote like E.E Cummings. like for serious...
6. we're driving in the car and his ipod's plugged in. Michael Jackson's History plays. I look over at him speechless. he smiles, "You like Michael so i downloaded the whole two disc albums so you'd have something to listen to." He hates michael. I sing Billy Jean at the top of my lungs out of the windows that he always liked to have down and he tries to catch on to the beat.
7. Boyz II Men "I"ll Make Love to You"
8. Singing Guns n Roses "Welcome to the Jungle" at full volume and trying to be bad ass like Axle.
9. Driving on his lap through an empty parking lot cause he's smart enough not to let me drive that huge jeep on my own and i won't stop begging. I can't drive worth shit.
10.Smokey Robinson "Cruisin"
11. Calling me from one of his drunken camping trips to tell me "goodnight and I love you". his friend's retching sounds audible in the background.
12.Eric Clapton "Wonderful Tonight"
13. Knowing what my kiss tastes like. (green jolly ranchers)
14. End scene in The Bodyguard
Ummm... this fucking changed my life.... this will NOT be the last time this movie will be mentioned, so don't act like you don't know.
15. song throughout A Walk to Remember
Fucking movie makes me cry...
16. You fucking know...
17. "See that girl/ She knows I'm watching/ She likes the way I stare" -Michael Jackson Human Nature
18. "In a haze a stormy haze/ I'll be there, I'll be lovin' you always/ Always" -Coldplay Parachutes
18. "In a haze a stormy haze/ I'll be there, I'll be lovin' you always/ Always" -Coldplay Parachutes
19.It's freezing we're held up in his car listening to oldies, playing my jump off "i-know- more- songs- than- you. Isley Brothers For the Love of You comes on. We start singing to each other pointing and swaying to the beat. we lose count over whose winning.... well maybe just he did. Him: 3 Me: 5 bonus points for Twisted Sister.
20. Edwin McCain "I'll be"
21. Spending a day in the woods we're walking to his car side by side. "Sometimes i think, 'I could see myself doing this with you everyday.' Like i guess I could marry this girl. It wouldn't be too horrible," he says nonchalantly. I push him and he laughs. then he pushes my ass right back.
20. Edwin McCain "I'll be"
21. Spending a day in the woods we're walking to his car side by side. "Sometimes i think, 'I could see myself doing this with you everyday.' Like i guess I could marry this girl. It wouldn't be too horrible," he says nonchalantly. I push him and he laughs. then he pushes my ass right back.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
my thoughts:
1. stop being a hater
2. it is not my fault that u have NO FRIENDS
3. maybe you shouldnt be such a bitch and you wouldnt be so miserable.
4. stop snitching we are not in middle school or even high school anymore
5. stop being a hypocrite
6. maybe if u werent such a nasty butt you wouldnt be in this situation.
7. stop being up peoples ass' that dont even like u. (does that make any fucking sense)
8. i can totally understand why your boyfriend cheats on you.
this is not directed towards anyone person it is just for haters in general and if u are offended by it then yes u are a hater..... SORRY BOO!
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