Yes, SHE drives across town because of course, HE has no car. Just like the rest of all the other bums she's been attracted to or dated.
She arrives at his 'crib', he hops in the car, and they drive down the road to his cousin's house. Which probably wasn't his real cousin..but niggas these days seem to call all their close friends cousins now. Is this new?? Am I the only that has noticed that??
Walking into his cousin's house, she is greeted by a whiff of straight reefer, and about 5 dudes sitting on cloud 9 around a table playing cards. She sits on the red couch while he daps up his boys.
.....Then she continues to sit on the couch while he indulges in a conversation with his boys.
......UMM..did he just use her for a ride over there, or is he guna fuckin introduce her??
No. she gets nothing. So she speaks up and introduces her damn self.
He finally comes and sits next to her and teaches her how to play with a butterfly knife. Even tho she already knew how to do the shit, it was still cute. He lights up a Newport and she pulls out a Marlboro Smooth. She looks over at him and smiles because she already knows the next words to come out of his mouth will be, "Man, fuck your Marlboro's"...
Prediction is true, she just giggles, shrugs, says "fuck you", and sparks up her favorite cigarette. They finish and put them out in a soda can.
He puts his arm around her and they just sit on the red couch quite uncomfortable and not saying a word to eachother. He gets up and goes up the steps.
...Leaving her there...With a bunch of niggas...
Of course his cousins start asking questions. Not questions concerned about why he left her either. Questions, trying to get to know her, questions.
SMH..AND one of them gets bold and asks for her number.
FINALLY her phone vibrates with a text from him telling her to "come upstairs".
She looks over at the steps and notices he has been standing there the whole time.
She walks up the steps, he grabs her hands, pulls her close, and kisses her in the hallway. He looks down the hall, and guides her into an empty dark room. He tries to close the door, then realizes..there is no door. It's actually propped up against the wall. Ghetto much??
He closes it the best way he can.
He puts her back up against the wall and starts kissing her. Basically getting the mood right. This is her favorite.
They undress, and have amazing sex. He did a position she had not discovered yet and she was absolutely blown away. She now calls this postion the "new new".
They finish at the same time and roll over on their backs. Still nude, he reaches for a cigarette and they have a cigarette together. Ashing it on the carpet, not giving a muther fuck. He stretches his arm out to her and pulls her closer. She closes her eyes and has realized her day JUST got so much better. She got what she wanted. He got what he wanted.
Call it what you want..

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