I've only had a few people to tell me I look like either Letoya Luckett or her little sister. I mean, she's a cute girl...but NO.

I got Ashanti more when I was younger than I do now, but people still tell me I look JUST like her. I was at a shoe store (DSW to be exact) not too long ago, and a man practically wanted to leave with me to make sure I really wasn't her. He kept saying "I would still get your autograph even if you aren't her because you look EXACTLY like her."
umm...akward much? I definitely gave him the 'fuck off' look.
And Ashanti was always the one I got defensive over. Because she is just not cute to me. She looks like a man. I've even had dudes holla at me with "AYO ASHANTI!"
Gabrielle Union

Gabrielle Union is probably the one I get THE MOST. I take it..she's a natural beauty.
Sanaa Lathan

If I hear, "you look like that girl from Love & Basketball" one more time...
We look NOTHING alike. I think another reason why I get this one so much is because I also play basketball? But hey, she's pretty too. Just has an awkard nose.
...And this is ME :) whom I look like. JUST ME. =]

And fuck that cat by the way. #justsayin...
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