Dear God,
Im writing you this letter to ask if you remember a girl that you created back in '89. You gave her a caring spirit that allowed her to empathize with your people, she was forgiving because You helped her to forget and look past peoples wrongs to see their hurt. Her presence was inviting and it made people love to be around her. She was gentle and humble. Her eyes glistened to calmed chaos, and her touch soothed pain. You instilled in her a bold and admirable faith that was not easily shaken and You loved her and she was so in love with You. It was a kind of love that was pure and so true, a love that no one would ever understand and everyone would envy. You both spent hours together talking, praying, dancing.I remember that she was special to You, You gave her everything that a little girl would ever dream of asking for and with a sensitive heart she willingly submitted her life to You, Your son lived in her and she under Him and they were happy. ~MadlyInlove~

I ask about her because some years ago I kidnapped her. She was so beautiful that I just couldnt resist. She captivated so many people by her ability to do everything. I said it would only be for a little while but I never wanted to let her go; before long I had destroyed her. I hid from you because I knew how much she meant to You and i knew that You would be angry. The caring spirit that you instilled in her I quickly altered to be that of a spiteful one. The tears that You gave her to cry out for Your people I traded them by using hurtful word and actions to make others cry endless nights. I dominated her gentleness and overpowered her humility. She's unmanageable, conceded, and vicious now. Sometimes I cant control her. Your precious little girl has been transformed into a monster! The bold faith instilled in her that was suppose to be unbreakable.... I broke it, I picked it apart and questioned it until I completely confused her. The love that she once had for You, I sold it to worldy material things. The time that she spent with You I made her spend with someone that could only please her earthly lusts.Ive taken her and destroyed everything You placed inside of her and just like everyone else that has been apart of her life, I dont want her anymore. She is no longer beautiful to me, she no longer holds any fascination to me, or those around her. She is used and old, yesterdays garbage. But I bring her back to You not only because I dont want her but primarily because I know that You are the only one that can fix her. You knew her when she was young, You knew her before I stained her innocents with perverse pleasures, and only You can restore her. <3>
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