oh yes and here's the only picture(thanx rae!) i have of halloween in my bad ass bunny costume. these two handsome brutes also doubled as my seat belt cause i couldn't find shit in the dark.

so i've been wondering what the fuck is going on with dudes. why are they these half girl half dude hybrids now. they have dicks which still pretty much rocks and they don't have boobs, which as a boob owner myself find a little strange considering their function. but they do have these petty little china doll arguments with all the gusto of bull testosterone. i mean, use the testosterone to throw a chick against the wall and have loud grunt-y sex with. instead they use it to display male bravado a.k.a "douchery" over little girl stuff. i like the way dudes used to be. chill motherfuckers that eat everything in sight and grab your ass and tell you they want to "get it in" before the game starts. I'm talking cowboy fuckers. no, Rae, it's not like that one. the quiet storm types. they sit and observe and speak in deep gravelly voices stripped down from too many Marlboro Reds. I want one of those. Just wrap his tight jeans, plaid wearing, big buckle rocking ass up in a bow and deliver him to my crib.
you memmmmber! or maybe this?
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